Friday, 22 February 2008

J-Lo opens a window for her family, and shuts the door to others in need.

J-Lo has finally given birth to healthy twins this week at the North Shore University Hospital on Long Island.

private room that she had requested has apparently “been sitting empty for 2 weeks in preparation for the singer’s birth.”

As advantageous as it can be to have a room prepared and ready for when the baby decides it’s ready to face the world, how much of the health service is jeopardised when a millionaire requires assistance?

Surely the room could have found better use for the fortnight than to be sitting empty. And the amount of paparazzi awaiting the superstar outside could only have created an obstruction near A&E.

If you have a certain amount of money in America, then it appears you can buy your way through anything and with almost 50 million Americans without health insurance, it sure appears that hospitals are there solely to cater for the wealthy.

Considering that 18,000 Americans die every year simply because they are uninsured, provides a shocking reality check when rooms are so freely handed out to celebrities with expendable cash.

The hospital itself will of course be grateful for the business, and with the rate that JLO is willing to pay, then it would be bad business for them to refuse such an offer. However, the fact that those with full-time jobs, who simply cannot afford the high-cost of health insurance, would simply be shunned aside to grin and bear it, makes J-Lo appear not-worthy of all the pampering and attention she will no doubt receive not only from fans, but from brown-nosed doctors.

We complain about the NHS an awful lot, and waiting times are abysmal, but perhaps we have it okay here in Britain after all. Or at least, better than we thought?

1 comment:

Ben Hobson said...

How you "sit empty" I'll never know. Sounds like fun though.